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Does mirror world exists ?

Hey welcome guys. you are in our Space Science Zone .

So if you are watching this page then you have to trust these theories .

Today's theory is about Another Universe 

Scientists are attempting to open an entry to another universe 

Scientists from Tennessee have built up an entryway like instrument that will assist them with demonstrating the presence of a mirror universe utilizing subatomic particles...

The story data back to the 1990s , when particle physicists were measuring the time it took for neutron particles to break done into protons once they were removed from an atom's nucleus ! .

Two separate experiments saw the neutrons broke done at differing rates, instead of decaying and becoming protons at exactly the same rate, as was expected ! .

In one, the free neutrons were caught by attractive field and crowded into research center jug traps, and in the other they were recognized by the ensuing appearance of proton particles from an atomic reactor stream !  . 

Those particles terminated out in the stream from the atomic reactor lived on normal for 14 minutes and 48 seconds - nine seconds longer than those from the jug traps ! . 
It might seem like a little contrast , however it has upset researchers ! . 

In any case, the presence of a mirror world offers a sound clarification: That there are two separate neutron lifetimes, and it may be the case that around 1 percent of neutrons could be crossing the gap between our reality and the mirror world before intersection back and then emitting a detectable proton !. 

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...Thank you 

           By:- virus & Team
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