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Go go human
Get away the pollution
We are breathless
Seduced endless

We lived a week losing ourselves
Deep inside the wildlife sanctuary
Living in the habitat of animals and birds
Insects, butterflies, creatures and what not
Sharing their space, living in their home!

Paralysing the forest
Laying death beds
Ending lives

World intrude too much
In the lives of innocents
Sensitive are they
Not to encroach
Too much of their space

Strolling in and around
Living green with ground

We climbed up and down
Exploring virgin territories
Witnessing nudes burnt
Starting exploiting it

In the exploited
Raped and gradually dying ice
Sinking their size

Agonising nature
Clouds cried aloud
Thunder banged
Wind soared in fury
And it rained endlessly!

Aren't we
In an overdrive
In a crazy chase

Greed never ends
But environment ends

The man running
Sunrise to sunset
Owning land, till exhausted
Dying with no land!

Endless rapes of the mother nature
By the greedy humans on the planet earth
Depressed we are
Not able to rescue our mother!


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