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corona virus

Hlo everyone! Integrateblogger.com presents poem on how our lives has changed during this pandemic. 

Don't let it go so easy, it become more messy 
How our lives changed in a blink, so I think.
Admist it all, is this a wake up call. 
Sometimes in a disaster, we perceive who is the master. 
How happy is the little stone, that rambles in the road alone. 
Walking on hunger track, You we're crashed. 
We want a light, to win this fight. 
For families left behind, may we be kind. 
As we lose some stability, we do help authority. 
If we are not come in control, 
we have to pay harder toll. 
The world has changed its version, 
To taught us a lesson. 
Social distancing is a solution, 
We have to take some precautions. 
Sanitize yourself before proceeding, 
Continue your pending. 
Wear mask to cover your face, 
From evil's eye of virus's cave. 
Don't let it go so easy, it become more messy.

Look into the mirror,
Serve yourself some vigour. 
It seems hard to accomplish
Not impossible to reach. 
Earth is healing, start seeding 
Nature has their own way of recession, 
Human already did enough destruction 
Could we do some discussion, 
How to cooperate nature and person
Don't let it go so easy, it become more messy.


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