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My scars my pride

My scars my pride

by: - Shweta maurya

 I was so young that time, there was noone to guide.

I needed someone all the time, by my side.

I had a burn scar on my face. 

And that was the reason for disgrace.

There was nothing, which i hadn't tried.

But still i have a face, which i needed to hide.

Sometime when i step outside in case.

I had no free space.

All the voices of people just comes to my mind.

All i did just i cried and cried and cried.

But it was all over, i have to fight & replace.

But neither my scar nor my face.

That day, something important i realised.

I was thankful to my scar and obliged.

I stepped outside with confident & grace.

I was surprised, i had my own space.

I realised that these scars aren't the scars only, these are my pride.

I will shriek and say" my scars my pride"who the hell gave u the right to speak about me and decide.


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